Monday's business section is always doom and gloom. In today's paper, there is an article about a woman having to keep working indefinitely and putting her other plans on hold because her mother just retired without a retirement fund (?!) and life insurance (?!?!) and she has to help pay the bills...that's depressing.
I decided to post a few tips I've learned along the way to save money, and be more positive on Mondays instead. This is what I had in my wallet -- a $20; some dimes and my 2 cents. Along with some Chinese coins tied together in red string. I read in a Feng Shui book that if you tie three coins with holes in them with a red string, it will bring money into your life. Well, the ATM gave me the $20. I bought a bag of the coins at last year's Quilt Festival. I was going to use them as buttons or trim. Who knows what I was thinking. But if they can help keep the $20's in my
This week's tip is to cut your losses - dryer sheets!
If you cut your dryer sheets in half, you'll still get the softening and fragrance you need without your items getting all ooky and save money at the same time. Look how long that Downey sheet is. I cut three sheets in half at a time and put them back inside the box. People have said they just use the same sheet twice, but I find a lot of the coating is gone when everything is dried, no matter what size it is. If you are drying towels, keep the old one from the previous load and add a new 1/2 sheet.
Update: Hi! Welcome to everyone coming over here from Tightwad Tuesdays at ! This was the first post of my Money Mondays series. Please click on the Money Monday label to bring up all the MM's.
And be sure to click "Home" to get to my main and current page - I have lots of other postings and links to more fun and money-saving blogs. Enjoy!