Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Today's Favorite iPod Workout Song
Today's stats: 50 minutes, 2.89 miles, 315 calories
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Houston International Quilt Festival begins tomorrow!

Preview night is tomorrow, October 31, from 7-10 PM. Attending Preview Night allows an additional free day's entrance, too. A 2-fer! (You'll need the extra day or more - there's 1,000+ booths!) Plus first crack at all the goodies. Also to note, this is a good night if you want to see the quilts and displays. Everyone else is practically body-slamming each other at the booths (it's definitely an advantage to be tall and long limbed at QF!).
The Bernina Fashion Show, "Diamond Odyssey" is Thursday night, 6:30-8:30 Tickets are $13 at the door. Hint: Line forms early. Go with your buddies not only to have fun, but to deputize each other as line holders for potty and food breaks.
Tickets are still affordable at $10 adults, $8 seniors/children 11+. Go to for more information about all the fun.
Victoria's Back!

Penzey's Freebies!

Aladdin and the Garden - Part 2

Yesterday's Favorite iPod Workout Song
Born in the U.S.A.
Yesterday's stats: 49 minutes, 26 miles, 10,000 calories (darn reset button again!)
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Kalahari Koncerns

This show has such fervent fans, such as myself, Mozart's death even made the New York Times yesterday - "Death Stalks the Meerkats Yet Again" in the Arts section.
Friday, October 26, 2007
A Treat for Boo!

Betty's Chocolate Chip Cookie recipe is still one of the best!

From the Betty Crocker Cookbook, 1969/1978 edition, page 266. I like these because the recipe calls for half shortening/half butter-and you can use Smart Balance for the shortening, there's not as much sugar as other choc chip recipes, and they remove easily and intact from the cookie sheet. You can also use whole wheat flower (Betty, so trendy even back then!) The cookie is not too hard, not too chewy and holds its shape well for eating and dunking in milk. And just in time, there's even a seasonal variation - you can add 1/3 cup of crushed peppermint candies to the ingredients.
1/2 cup sugar...1/2 cup packed brown sugar...1/3 cup shortening...1/3 cup butter or margarine, softened...1 egg...1 teaspoon vanilla...1 1/2 cups all purpose flour or whole wheat flour...1/2 teaspoon baking soda...1/2 teaspoon salt...1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)...1 6 oz package semisweet chocolate chips (or for those of us who buy by the gross, add enough "until it looks good"!)
Heat oven to 350. Mix sugars, butter, shortening, egg and vanilla. Stir in remaining ingredients. Drop dough by rounded teaspoonfls about 2" apart onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake untl light brown, 8-10 minutes. Cool slightly before removing from cookie sheet. Makes about 3 1/2 dozen. (Original instructions called for the oven to be 375, but I found they browned and burned a little too easily and quickly at that temperature, so I've been baking them at 350 ever since.)
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Mistetoe Madness

I got the idea from two old Burda World of Fashions - October 1994 and December 1997. (I've been subscribing to Burda WOF for almost 20 years! I've had to find new homes for the older issues through the years (no room!), but I try to keep the October/November/December ones because they have such neat crafts and gift projects for the holidays.) Both had mistletoe theme projects for stenciling, embroidery and applique. I combined the leaves and mistletoe designs from each one. (I like the unique white/red/tan color combination from the 1997 issue!)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Full Moon Madness
Today's Favorite iPod Workout Song
Today's stats: 45 minutes, 2.64 miles, 300 calories
Monday, October 22, 2007
Cold Front Arrives!

Today's Favorite iPod Workout Song
Today's stats: 47 minutes, 2.67 miles, 300 calories
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sounds odd, tastes great, very filling!

Ann Taylor Loft's new denim skirt
Saturday, October 20, 2007
It's here!
Picture Pretty (er, Picture YUMMY!)

Yesterday's Favorite iPod Workout Song
Kenny Loggins Alive
Yesterday's stats: 47 minutes, 2.68, 297 calories
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Today's Costco Finds

Second up - Costco's new shipment of wire-edged ribbon - 50 yards for $6.99. I'm still plowing through 2005's gold Christmas trees, but I couldn't resist these two. Note the tiny 3/8" white pom-poms on the red satin roll! And the almost retro-ish colors on the snowflake roll. It will coordinate with lots of my stash scraps for holiday gift bags.

Today's Favorite iPod Workout Song
George Harrison is on iTunes now!
Today's stats: 47 minutes, 2.55 miles, 290 calories
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Today's Favorite iPod Workout Song
Today's stats: 47 minutes, 2.62 miles, 302 calories
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Ain't that a shot in the arm?

Monday, October 15, 2007
Today's Costco Find

House Updating - Dining Room Curtains
Douser Computer
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Carbo up!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Today's Favorite iPod Workout Song
Today's stats - 40 minutes, 2.27 miles, 255 calories
I sought professional help
Not only did I have C paint, but also -- replace the front window sill, repair the drywall (don't ask, don't tell), install the new dining room light, take down mini's/put up curtain rods and bamboo shade, reinforce closet and kitchen shelves (that support screw was only in 1/4" - yikes!), blow out the dryer vent (yikes again!) very well spent! My admiration to those who do, but we don't have the tools nor the expertise, and facing reality with pictures of the presidents is the first step towards our happy home.
House Updating - Colors
House updating - It's curtains for us!

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Bake Sale!

Eat Pink! And who's your genus?

Today's Favorite iPod Workout Song
(Cute song, it's about SHOES!)
Today's stats: 32 minutes, 1.80 miles, 202 calories
Monday, October 08, 2007
Project Dollway
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Friday, October 05, 2007
Pepperberry Wreath in Target Dollar Spot
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Creamy Chocolate Frosting
Cocoa vs. Cocoa

Tiny Cake

Today's Favorite iPod Workout Song
Monday, October 01, 2007
Toilet Paper Wedding Dresses!
Pecan Shortbread Bars

Yummy, yum, yum! And easy to prepare and clean up, too! You make the dough in a food processor and bake in a foil-lined pan.
1 cup pecan halves...1 cup flour...3/4 cup confectioner's sugar...1 stick cold unsalted butter, cut into pieces...1/4 teaspoon salt
Preheat oven to 350. Line an 8" square baking pan with aluminum foil, leaving an overhang on all sides.
In a food processor, pulse pecans until finely chopped. Transfer to a bowl, set aside. In processor, blend flour, sugar, butter and salt until moist clumps form. Add reserved pecans, pulse 2-3 times just to incorporate.
Press dough evenly into the bottom of perpared pan. With a floured fork, prick dough every 1/2". Bake until lightly golden, 30-35 minutes.
Cool 5 minutes in pan. Use foil overhang to lift shortbread from pan onto cutting board. With a serrated knife, carefully cut warm shortbread into 18 bars (6 rows x 3 rows). Remove from foil; cool bars competely on a rack (hah!) before serving.
From Everyday Food, #32, May 2006, page 114
Chantal Outlet Sale
Barbequed Chicken Drumsticks

Everyday Food - Issue #32 May 2006
Coffee Cake Muffins...Baby Spinach Salad With Tuna...Cheddar Carrot Balls...Mustard Crusted Turkey Breast...Mozzarella and Ham Panini*...Cherry Tomato Salad*...Barbecued Chicken Drumsticks*...Pecan Shortbread Bars*...Oven Roasted Home Fries*...Spiced Zucchini...Gingered Sugar Snaps...
Today's Favorite iPod Workout Song
Fastball, "The Way" 4:17 - All the Pain Money Can Buy
Today's stats: 50 minutes, 2.81 miles, 319 calories