To paraphrase Tim Gunn, "That's just too much look" as I tried on Vogue 8462 View A and View C together. Separately, I loved them. I used the micro stripe knit, stripe side out for the jacket and gray side for the top. You'd think it would work, but no. Just too-too something. . .

For starters -- the View A jacket is HUGE! Forget about closing demurely with a little button as shown in the drawing. You can wrap the fronts to the side easily.
Go down at least one size from what you usually use. It doesn't help it is sized by letters each covering two sizes instead of single sizes. I could have gone down two sizes/letters, but that would have been another pattern purchase - There are only three sizes per pattern. The sleeves are really long, too - I didn't need to lengthen them. I also skipped the self-lining of the front pieces and just turned under 5/8" with some Steam-A-Seam and topstitching, saving time and yardage. I shudder to think what the extra weight would have
done to the draping. I did not add a button, figuring I would hold it closed with a brooch or let hang open.

Now the View C top runs closer to size and fit great. Sews quickly, too. The only time I veered away from those directions was to not self-face the neckline, instead scrunching and tucking down like Vogue 7799 View A

I had fun with the topstitching, though -- 3.0 straight stitch followed closely with a 3.0 x 3.0 zigzag to pop out against the stripe.
I had fun with the topstitching, though -- 3.0 straight stitch followed closely with a 3.0 x 3.0 zigzag to pop out against the stripe.
Would I make this again? Not the View A jacket, but definitely the View C top. I like the idea it is sleeveless so I can wear it under other sweaters and pullovers and not get hot with all the layers. And it doesn't have the center seam like 7799 so I could have some fun with a print or stripe knit.