Thursday, December 31, 2009
H(app)y Days - Foodie Apps!

I've basically created a separate App page on my iPod Touch with these Food and Recipe apps!
Serving Sizer - This is quite handy, literally. You can adjust by serving size, halve, double, triple or custom. A keeper!
All Recipes.com Dinner Spinner - Spin and match in three categories - Dish type, Ingredients, Ready In (which also includes Slow Cooker). It even makes a spinning sound. Love this one, too!
Woman's Day Cooking Assistant - At the top you'll get recipes from the sponsor - this month, Knorr. There are also almost daily entries with recipes. You can search within the app by Cuisine, Course, Main Ingredient, Cooking Method, Holiday recipes, Quick & Easy, Budget recipes and Low Calorie. Also a shopping list and Tips & Tools (cooking time calculator, kitchen equipment, vegetable prep, weights and measurements, herbs and spices dictionary, and kitchen tips). Another favorite!
Betty Crocker Mobile Cookbook - I love Betty Crocker's recipes and cookbooks. You can search recipes or search by ingredient. Special button tabs for "Surprise Me" "Favorites" and "Email" (I like that feature). So far, all of these are staying on the top row.
Food Network - Red and black "Nighttime" page shows up with the channel's shows. Yes, but wait - Click on the show and it lists episodes with video excerpts. Whoa! Click on the Recipes tab and you can search Foodnetwork.com's recipes. The loaded current page is "Our Holiday Favorites" with Appetizers, Mains, Sides, Baking, Desserts, Leftovers and Browse Holiday Videos categories. The On TV tab gives you today's programming. Click on the More tab and get "Most Viewed, Latest Videos, Highest Rated, Search, Favorites and Share App. I clicked on Share App and got the message box "Exit App to Share? Cancel /OK" Which takes you to your iTouch inbox to send a link for the app to your friends. This will stick around for awhile, too.
Big Oven - This app connects you to BigOven.com website with over 170,000 recipes. There is an active ad bar on the bottom of the page. Probably the most "meh" one.
McCormick Recipe Finder - Browse and Search Recipes buttons, along with one to star your favorites. The Browse button takes you to Recipe Collections (featuring McCormick spices, natch) with a good number of recipes per category including Appetizers and Snacks, Beverages, Breads and Muffins, Breakfast and Brunch, Casseroles, Desserts, Gravies/Sauces/Condiments, Main Dish, Other, Salads, Side Dish, Slow Cooker, Soups, Vegetables. Breads and Muffins had 28 recipes alone. Bonus points for the slow cooker recipes. You could get lost in this app for awhile.
Epi Epicurious - Search/Favorites/Shopping List tabs. Categories on main page are Weeknight
Dinners, Decadent Dessserts, Cool Cocktails, Healthy Lunches, and product-sponsored Beer+Food Duos (Stella Artois) and Holiday Helpings (Helmann's). Wonder if they will change? For the many, many recipes (Healthy Lunches had 396), it loads very quickly and smoothly.
Spark Recipes - Healthy Recipes - Browse by category -- Course, Cuisine, Dietary Needs, Occasion -- and subcategories. Bottom tabs include star Favorites and Videos. The recipe and technique videos are by Chef Meg Galvin, along with the recipes. Honestly, I've never heard of her before. This app will be fun to poke around in, though.
Whole Foods - Like that "On Hand" tab along with the Search, Favorites, Locations and List ones. Search with pull down menus by Course/Category/Special Diets and the ubiquitous app spinner wheel. I'm not sure what its official term is. I've found it on many apps.
Simply Organic - I have seen this brand in different stores. This app has recipes, random recipe spin and coupons you can have them email to you. 20 recipe categories, a shopping list, store finder (though I think driving 165 miles to Corpus Christi for one location is a bit much!)
Fresh Fruit - Save money and keep the best taste with this app. It features each month's best fresh fruit with lots of cool information. The Search or the All buttons helps you find "strawberries" listed directly instead of flipping through the months. No recipes.
Urbanspoon - When you want to eat out instead of at home!
Thursday Tea Time
Caffeine: Yes
Type of tea: Black, organic
Steeping time: 3-5 minutes, I did 4
Double Dipper potential: Didn't try
Mix ins: Honey, milk, a sprinkle of cinnamon -- I sort of followed their directions for a "Tea Latte" to that extent, but not using their suggested two (!) teabags in 8 ounces.
Teabag fragrance: Very faint - vanilla, hazelnut, maple?
Ingredients: Organic black tea with vanilla, hazelnut, maple and cinnamon natural flavorings.
Taste: Smooth, but with an odd, bitter aftertaste
My opinion: I was surprised I wasn't that thrilled with it. I bought it for the idea of a "Tea Latte" and the cinnamon and maple flavorings, but didn't really taste anything outstanding. The surprisingly unpleasant aftertaste - : P
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
It's not too late --

- Mount Rainier Macaroons
- Wintermint Wafers
- Almond Butter Buckeyes
- Apple Cider Buttons
- Gold Rush Bars
- Pistachio Biscochitos
- Chocolate Butter Pecans
- Bananas Foster Bars
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Netflix Stars - 500 Days of Summer
Head's Up!

Monday, December 28, 2009
Netflix Stars - Paper Heart
Saturday, December 26, 2009
H(app)y Days - Fashion Apps!

Netflix Stars - Body of Lies
Netflix Stars - Taking Woodstock

Thursday, December 24, 2009
Susan Boyle album for $3.99!
H(app)y Days - Newsy

New York Times - The latest headlines, plus most popular/most emailed article links. Sections include World, U.S., Politics, NY, Business, Technology, Science, Health, Opinion, Sports, Arts, Books, Movies, Fashion and Style, Dining, Travel, Real Estate, Automobiles, Obituaries, Week in Review, and T Magazine. Bonus points for all the content and fast loading.
Conserva - Fox News, Drudge Report Lite, Wall Street Journal, New York Post, The Washington Times, headline feeds and links. I got this mostly for Drudge Report Lite and for Fox News. The Fox links can be a little pokey. Fox News Radio has TuneKast and you can listen live. Not a bad overall news app.
USA Today - Has The Weather Channel weather for your current location and favorite locations. Surprisingly this app loads fast.
AccuWeather - I know there is already a preloaded local weather app, but I like the additional AccuWeather one. It gives hourly and 15 day forecasts, plus has Risk (disruptive weather potential for t-storms, rain, snow, ice, wind and fog) , Alarms and Alerts (National Weather Service advisories, warnings, watches). Always a great conversation starter, the weather.
Drudge Pro - Loads faster than clicking on Drudge Report Lite via Conserva and you get the photos.
Times Square Live - Webcam feeds from Times Square. This is just fun! It was really cool to see the snow the other day.
GeoCamera2 - After getting all excited about the Times Square Live app, I found this one with Global webcam feeds. It's a little hard to figure out right away (and slow to load). I'm still in the "Let's push this button" phase.
iNet - One app, lots of links. Search engines, news, email, social networks, magazines and more. I am having fun going to the local TV news webpage links all across the country.
TUAW - The Unofficial Apple Weblog - News, App Reviews, Accessories
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Netflix Stars - All About Steve
Netflix Stars - Easy Virtue

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Upcoming Jo-Ann's Pattern Sales
McCall's 99 cents
Vogue $3.99
50% off thread and buttons
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Thursday Tea Time

Number of teabags: 20 - individually sealed in attached double paper bags
Caffeine: No
Type of tea: Herbal
Steeping time: 4 - 6 minutes
Double Dipper potential: Didn't try
Mix ins: Sugar and milk
Teabag fragrance: Ginger
Ingredients: Cinnamon, ginger, roasted chicory root, roasted barley malt, natural flavors (contains soy lecithin) and luo han guo.
Taste: Pretty darn close to gingerbread!
My opinion: Luo Han Guo is the next potential darling on the sweetener front. It's a Chinese herb with sweetening properties. Therefore, you don't have to add as much sugar, if you normally do. Overall, another very cool Celestial Seasonings tea -- it does smell and taste like gingerbread!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
H(app)y Days - More New Favorites

Marquee (99 cents) - Create your own moving sign or use several preloaded messages.
Touch Hockey FS5 (Free) - Play against the computer or with an opponent on your iTouch.
SearchTrends (Free) - Fun to see the real-time Google, Yahoo!, Bing searches and the latest Twitters.
Paper Toss (Free) - More challenging than you think. Over 10,000 ratings can't be wrong.
Boggle ($1.99) - A bit of a learning curve to get used to the touch, but then lots of fun.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Today's Costco Find
Costco also has the same style in a slipper, which again looks just like my friend's Ugg clogs. $19.99!
Grab them quickly, there were lots of people (ahem!) going deep to find their size and color. (I did pile the boxes back nicely.)
Guilty Pleasure...

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Netflix Stars - Four Christmases
Saturday, December 12, 2009
20 Free Holiday Songs LP download from iTunes!

Light a candle tomorrow. . .

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thursday Tea Time
Number of teabags: 20 - individually sealed in attached double paper bags
Taste: Really tastes just like a candy cane. Nice and smooth - must be the vanilla and the blackberry leaves with a touch of cinnamon gives it an interesting flavor layer.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
H(app)y Days - Info Apps

Tuesday, December 08, 2009
Everyday Food - Crispy Garlic Potatoes + Salad Dressing
The potatoes -- slice 1 1/2 pounds of red new potatoes 1" thick. Mince two cloves of garlic and press flat to make a paste. Transfer to a bowl and add 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme and 1 tablespoon of olive oil, mix together. Add and toss potatoes (much easier to toss in the bowl instead of per the directions on the baking sheet), put on large rimmed baking sheet and bake in 475 oven for 20-25 minutes until browned on underside.
The salad dressing -- combine 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar, 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard and 2 tablespoons olive oil.
H(app)y Days - app post edition
I did this post using BlogWriter Lite, which is free! I had to come back in and edit to add the tags. I don't plan to upgrade to the $1.99 version, as the only difference I can tell is the ability to add photos. Since I have the iTouch and not the iPhone, that's not a biggie for me.
H(app)y Days - Christmas Holiday Edition!

Monday, December 07, 2009
Cooking Light Annual Recipes 2010
I know, if I subscribe, why do I want the book, too? For starters, space issues -- physical and mental. A year's worth of Cooking Light takes up lots more space than an 11" x 9" x 1" book. Then I tend to tear apart my issues, pulling the ones I want to try. If they were met with applause by the family, I insert them in a plastic protector page and put it in my recipe binder notebook. But inevitably, I will hear along the way about the fab recipe for Paprika Pork in the March issue, which is now long gone. Or even misplaced. Past issues of Cooking Light have been tossed in my car for carpool waiting and never made the return trip back inside the house. (The last thing I want to do or will forget after lugging bags of groceries into the house, in the rain is to go back for a magazine. I'll read it tomorrow!) Their website is fine, but with wonky Internet connections or not having immediate access to a printer, etc....more trouble than it's worth sometimes. Effortless, not effortful, right? And then I always pull and keep my November and December issues. Why? The covers are pretty and I like holiday things. I do the same with my Burda World of Fashion and Martha Stewart Living magazines, too. Anyhoo, my Cooking Light system is much easier and works just fine for my capacities and capabilities, which by now you are thinking are seriously diminished. So yes, I get excited when the annuals appear.
There is also a bound insert offer for 6 free issues of Cooking Light -- "12 issues plus 6 free issues for $10" In very tiny print it says plus sales tax. Not a bad deal, actually. The box code for this deal is CKBBG83 -- Sometimes if you have this code, you can renew your current subscription. I know this works for Everyday Food, maybe it will work for Cooking Light, too. Call their Customer Service number and give it a try.
H(app)y Days

1) Phone Flicks (Free) - Access your Netflix queue on the go. Add and remove movies, change positions, search. Don't worry about the warning asking if you are sure you want to allow access to your account--it is a Netflix third-party program.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
H(app)y Days

Netflix Stars - Twilight (No, not that one)
Friday, December 04, 2009
Upcoming Jo-Ann's Pattern Sales
Simplicity $1.99
50% off Red Tag Fabrics
50% off Notions Wall
December 20/24 - Butterick $1.99
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Thursday Tea Time
Cost: $2.99 at Whole Foods, on sale at Target $1.77
Number of teabags: 20 - individually sealed in attached double paper bags
Caffeine: No
Type of tea: Herbal
Steeping time: 4 - 6 minutes, this one I did closer to 5-6 minutes
Double Dipper potential: No, it is a weak tea, one shot
Mix ins: Sugar, milk is optional but I like it with milk a little bit better
Teabag fragrance: COOKIES!
Ingredients: Milk Thistle, Roasted Barley, Orange Peel, Natural Sugar Cookie Flavor with other natural flavors and Vanilla Bean
Monday, November 30, 2009
Cyber Monday Coupon Codes

The Lingerie Store - 20% off - rd249
What I like about this Yahoo-affiliated store is attentive customer services - lots of emails to keep you posted on your order....and...no state tax - at least in Texas. That saves us an additional 8.25%. Free shipping if your order is $50 and over.
FragranceNet.com - 15% off - cymn9
Another favorite site. Definitely Google and grab your calculator for other coupons, the 15% may or may not be your best deal. They often have $10 or $15 off purchases over a certain amount, usually $35. Also free shipping kicks in at $70. It's worth the extra math effort for different savings scenarios.
Hot Patterns - 20% off - THANKS
This may be your shoppertunity to finally try a Hot Pattern or stock up on those you've been eyeing.
QVC.com is also offering free shipping and handling on over 10,000 items. I figure that's probably their entire website.
Bath and Body Works - 25% off and only $5.95 shipping on your entire online order - CYBERMONDAY
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A snowball's chance...Kwik Sew 2779 PJ Pants

(No, they aren't wonky, I was trying to show the trim on the side.)
I wanted a pair of sleep pants to go with a Nick and Nora sleepshirt. I love Target's Nick and Nora sleepwear line - such cute fabric designs! (I thought this print looked like snowballs)
Even though 2779 is for knits, there is plenty of ease to make them out of a woven. Either cut up a size for your first try or add 3/8" to the seam edges. The pants also run long, I only had to add 1" in length.
I especially like these because they are one-seam/one pattern piece pants. There is a line to add trim. In my case, I added the lace along the fabric fold, which was discolored from light exposure. Well, it made it easy to keep a nice straight line! And Kwik Sew's elastic application is super easy and super fast. You serge the elastic to the top edge, fold over and stitch. Perfect!
Unfortunately, 2779 is now discontinued, but you may be able to score a copy on the Internet. Kwik Sew also sells pulled patterns online, but at $25 a pop. My bet is that this popular design has been reissued under another number in their current catalog.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Upcoming Jo-Ann's Pattern Sales
99 cents Butterick
50% off thread
50% off buttons
December 3/5 - Super Savings Sale
$1.99 McCalls
$3.99 Vogue
Healthy Cooking - Cranberry-Pecan Corn Muffins (Bread!)
1-3/4 cups yellow cornmeal
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1-1/4 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1-1/2 cups (12 ounces) fat-free plain yogurt
1 egg
1/4 cup canola oil
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1/4 cup chopped pecans
In a large bowl, combine the cornmeal, flour, baking soda and salt. In another bowl, combine the yogurt, egg, oil and honey. Stir into dry ingredients just until moistened. Fold in cranberries and pecans.
Coat muffin cups with cooking spray; -- or 3 mini loaf pans -- fill three-fourths full with batter.
Bake at 375° for 18-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool for 5 minutes before removing from pans to wire racks.
Nutrition Facts: 1 muffin equals 185 calories, 6 g fat (1 g saturated fat), 16 mg cholesterol, 217 mg sodium, 29 g carbohydrate, 2 g fiber, 4 g protein. Diabetic Exchanges: 2 starch, 1 fat.
Prints Charming - Burda 8134
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Netflix Stars - Proof of Life

Saturday, November 21, 2009
Netflix Stars - State of Play

4.5/5 We all enjoyed watching this political thriller. And what a cast of stars - Russell Crowe, Ben Affleck, Jason Bateman, Robin Wright (Penn), Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren, Jeff Daniels...
A complex plot with a number of persuasive but ultimately in error subplots. Crowe is a believable investigtive reporter, the unexpected star is truly Helen Mirren who plays an engaged and competent newspaper editor. Add this to your queue!
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rating: 1 teabag out of 5, only because I actually finished the mug.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Fresh Whole-Wheat Pitas - Cooking Light, March 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Garden Update - Torenias
Monday, November 16, 2009
Chicken Thighs with Olives and Tomato Sauce - Cooking Light, March 2009
From the March 2009 issue of Cooking Light, page 106 - Chicken Thighs with Olives and Tomato Sauce
A very good result with a few changes -- I used a package of Costco's boneless chicken thighs and regular black olives. (Someone around here got into the kalamata ones. But the regular black olives were able to step up to the plate.) Since it was a smaller amount of chicken thighs, I only used one can (14 ounce) of diced tomatoes and also reduced the tomato paste to 2 tablespoons. Minced about 3 small/medium garlic cloves. I also substituted 1/4 cup of chicken broth for the white wine. Because these were boneless thighs, it was finished in a little under three hours. I had to turn it down from High to Low after about an hour and half. It all fit into the smaller, 3 quart crockpot.
Served over spaghetti, this is a nice variation to meatballs. The chicken thighs really picked up all the flavors. Easily served three people with leftovers. Definitely a keeper and will make again!
New Hello Kitty stuff at Target!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Upcoming Jo-Ann's Pattern Sales
Merry Moolah Sale - November 21/25
$1.99 McCalls Patterns
$1.99 Simplicity Patterns
Rotary Blades, BIGIF
Gutermann 26 spool thread box - $19.99
Update 11-16-09 -- Hobby-Lobby has McCall's patterns for 99 cents this week
Thursday Tea Time

Number of teabags: 20 - individually sealed in attached double paper bags
Caffeine: No
Type of tea: African Rooibos Red and Black Teas
Steeping time: 4 minutes
Double Dipper potential: Yes, give it 6 minutes the second time
Mix ins: Sugar, milk
Teabag fragrance: Coconut, cloves and anise
Ingredients: Rooibos, decaffeinated black tea, cinnamon, roasted chicory, ginger, natural coconut flavor with other natural flavors, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, paprika, black pepper and Chinese star anise.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Yummy! Chocolate Peppermint Cookies!

Also available -- Gingerbread Spice. Both are limited editions. Look for them in the refrigerated section. Our Whole Foods had them in the special holiday cooler with the eggnogs, etc.