My 28th anniversary is this weekend! And how coincidental I found these two celebratory teas from Coffee Bean &Tea Leaf Anniversary Blend and The Republic of Tea 20th Anniversary Celebration Tea
Cost: CBTL Anniversary Blend: $10.95,
Republic of Tea 20th Anniversary Celebration: $11.50
Number of teabags: Blend: 20, Celebration: 3.5 ounces*
Caffeine: Blend: Yes, Celebration: Yes
Type of tea: Blend: White tea, green tea, oolong tea, black tea
Celebration: Ceylon black tea
Steeping time: Blend: 4 minutes, Celebration: 5 minutes
Add ins: Blend: CBTL's Fat free Vanilla powder, Celebration: Natural Bliss
Tea fragrance: Blend: Fruity
Celebration: *Let it be known, this is a loose tea (which can make 50-60 cups, so that's a good thing), but I didn't realize it until I opened the lid and some of it spilt. Hubby came home shortly after and asked what smelled so good, and it was the tea! Not only does it smell great, but the blue cornflower petals make it look pretty, too. It definitely has a champagne essence.
Ingredients: Blend: White tea, green tea, oolong tea, black tea, lily blossoms, natural flavors.
Celebration: Ceylon black tea, white wine grapes (they looked like raisins!), tea blossoms, marigold petals, cornflowers and natural champagne and vanilla flavors.
Opinion: Blend: I was surprised. The Natural Bliss didn't do much for it. I tried the CBTL Fat free vanilla powder and that helped save it. It really smelled good in the mug and was fun to drink, catching the whiff with the sip. I may try the other half & half creamers (I got the White Chocolate Raspberry marked down after Christmas) to see how it partners with them.
Celebration: A teaspoonful in a teabag does the trick. What a nice treat. It definitely tastes different and unexpected and worth seeking out. I found mine at the Rice Epicurian Market in River Oaks before it began the transition to a Fresh Market. I don't know if the new store will continue to carry it.
Rating: Blend: 3.5, Celebration: 4.75