Or not! This is what happens when your original plans for cafe style curtain "window treatment" gets waylaid by Hurricane Ike and a fence falling down. I found two Waverly red-tagged orphans at Target last year ($3.74 and $9.58) after the living room was painted. And due to
procrastination and my lack of a home dec sewing gene, I never got around to covering that second living room window. It was protected from public view by the former fence and I liked the sun and light. Not so when people can see right into your house now. I like the second more asymmetrical look. Once the fence is repaired -- the adjuster comes out next week! -- I'll shorten and redesign the treatment. But in the meantime don't you think it kind of makes a statement beyond WTH?! Boldly combining color and texture! Or she really needs two of each not one of each, but good try!? Beyond all compare, I'd rather sew clothes instead.