Ticket price for ASG members is $25, $45 for non-members. Visit the Houston Chapter website or email events@asghouston.org, for more information and space availability. Registration deadline is August 7.
An eclectic blog of many things! If you are interested in sewing and fiber arts, creative and crafty living, healthy cooking and life in the Lone Star State of Texas, read on and enjoy!
Tom Petty, "Zombie Zoo" 2:57
Full Moon Fever
Yesterday's stats -- 36 minutes, 2.20 miles, 246 calories
The designs remind me a lot of the Neue Mode patterns (and the now defunct monthly Neue Mode magazine), very detailed and fresh.
I really like the skirt on the far right and the cool jacket on the far left. Unlike the ones you order (precut in one size only), the freebies are multisized. I'll dip my toes into the water and give them a try first.
In any case, the free patterns, the inspiration and trends from the 128 pages of colored illustrations will be a creative asset to my sewing room. I'm definitely ordering next year's Spring/Summer catalog!
Happiest days of senior year? Winning a scholarship, the R.T. French Award (yes, the mustard people) and the day I beat the crap out of "J" two months before high school graduation.
No surprise - this height and this weight resulted in teasing, unmercifully. The old advice "don't let them know it bothers you" or "just ignore them" hadn't worked for years of being called "Big Bird" whenever this one group of boys walked by. The ringleader was short (no surprise) and evidently had a Napoleon complex.
One day I walked past them and heard the "caw, caw, Big Bird" for the last time. I turned, raised my books over my head and SLAMMED them down on "J's" head, knocking him to the ground! Height-Momentum-Physics advantage: Me. The other guys took off, leaving their leader in a heap on the floor. I never got into trouble (only his pride was hurt) and they never made a peep to me again.
I checked out these books from my local library and ended up buying them (on Overstock.com). So much for my resolve to keep my bookcase shelves from crashing with additional book poundage. But my purchasing is also guided by if I Post-It more than 5 pages, I need/must/should have it.
Designer Bead Embroidery - 150 patterns and complete techniques by Kenneth D. King. 2006. The library call number is 746.6 KIN, the ISBN is 1-58923-272-0 I love the stylized alphabet and basic designs which look nothing like. Includes borders, backgrounds, motifs, edging and fringes. There are also beautiful ornate designs, I feel even I can utilize different sections to add my own embellishing touch.
Not Your Mother's Slow Cooker Recipes for Two (for small slow cookers) by Beth Hensberger. 2007. Dewey Decimal System call number 641.561 HEN, ISBN 1-55832-341-4. I already had and loved her other cookbook. I even went to Target to get a 4 quart crockpot (red was on sale) to make the Italian Meat Sauce on page 90, that's how tempting it seemed. Even though it says 3 quart cooker, it pretty well filled the new 4 quart. It made enough for dinner and I froze the remaining to have plenty to defrost and make a lasagna two weeks later! I'm now a two crock girl - Red is now on the counter and Big Guy is stored in the cabinet, awaiting future Taco Soups.
I am surprised with all the good sewing, craft and cookbooks our library is getting, and probably yours, too. Check them out before you buy! Some books I thought I had to have, turned out I didn't. I saved money and another bookcase.
Pet Shop Boys, "Always On My Mind" 3:55
iTunes, Discography: The Complete Singles Collection
Today's stats -43 minutes, 2.51 miles, 262 calories
The freedom of humor -- the latest Will Ferrell and Pearl episode, Good Cop, Baby Cop
The freedom of wackiness -- newest guilty pleasure, "Hey Paula"
The freedom of creativity -- an all-day marathon of Project Runway Season 3
The freedom of whichever category "The Twilight Zone" marathon today on SciFi falls under!?
The freedom to do whatever you want on a rainy, soggy 4th of July or any day!
On Saturday I bought the July/August issues of Cloth.Paper.Scissors and Belle Armoire. Some issues are better than others, and their pricey-ness ($7.99 and $6.95 respectively) makes for a mindful purchase, even with discounts. A quick flip-through made them a buy this time. Somerset Life is new, and one of their $$ ones ($14.95). While I'm not into scrapbooking nor stamping (gasp!) and therefore their other Somerset publications, this reminded me of the way Mary Engelbreit's Home Companion used to be. Filled with lots of creativity, this page
sealed the deal -- It was just pleasing to me and I thought easily replicable to use as a free-form embroidery design on something, somewhere, sometime.