Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Let's Get Crocking! Seasoned Whole Chicken

So easy! Just sprinkle lots of Penzeys Northwoods Seasoning all over a whole chicken (don't forget to remove the giblets/livers from the cavity) and place in the crockpot. Do not add any water or broth. (Click here for more Penzey spice seasonings from an earlier post. This is one of my favorite go-to crock pot recipes and I'm constantly trying new variations.) Cook on Low 5-6 hours or High 4 hours, depending upon how "fast" your slow cooker is. The newer ones seem to get hot and cook faster than the old crockpots. Now you are set with enough chicken for at least 2-3 meals! I've also made versions with poultry seasoning...and salt and pepper with garlic and a cut up onion or a lemon cut in half inside the bird. All smell great while crocking, too!