Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kraft Fiesta Chicken Enchiladas

This recipe is from the recent Summer 2008 Food & Family Kraft Foods magazine, page 29. For a free subscription (and coupons, too!) go to their website

Our family rating - "Um, it's OK" (deciphered - we're hungry and we'll eat this, what's for dessert?)

I liked the cream cheese, but subbed the 1/3 less fat version. I thought it was a little heavy on the cumin, I would cut it back to 1/2 teaspoon. To my horror when stirring it all together, it started to resemble tuna fish and looked so unappetizing. Too white, too deconstructed. And also too dry. I popped open a can of chicken broth and tried to smooth it out a little, but it only looked worse! Without a backup plan other than PBJ, I valiantly carried on. Then I used the Heart Healthy/Low Fat tortillas, and while better for you, cardboard is more flexible. So I doused those with some chicken broth, and then before popping into the oven, poured more over them, topped with cheese and covered the pan with foil, hoping heat and steam would fix it all.

If I make it again, I would use longer pieces of chicken, perhaps even more dark meat, cut back on the cumin, use thinner and smaller tortillas and keep that can of chicken broth handy.