Friday, October 31, 2014

Love is all around us

October 30, 2014
6:33 PM

Even in Oyster Creek

Hello Happy Halloween

Halloween Pumpkin 2014 - Candy Corn Gumball!

Love, love, LOVE the Martha Stewart Mother of Pearl paint!  The orange is just the glitter paint over the pumpkin and the yellow is a combo of yellow with a layer of the yellow glitter paint.  The Martha Stewart paints were 30% off at Michael's this week.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday Tea Time - Indulgent Tea

This week - Numi Indulgent Tea Chocolate Spice

Cost:   $7.99 at Whole Foods/Sugar Land
Number of teabags:  12,  individually-wrapped
Caffeine:   Yes
Type of tea:   Black
Ingredients:  All organic cacao powder, black tea, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, star anise.
Steeping time:  8 minutes
Add ins:  A splash of Coffee Mate's Natural Bliss.
Fragrance:  Spicy chocolate, like Mexican hot chocolate!
Opinion:   You know this is going to be a good tea when chocolate is listed first!  And unlike last week's Tazo pepper'd chai, this has a wonderful flavor.  And no black pepper in the ingredients.  This makes for a sweet treat and kept me out of the Halloween candy.  However, it is a bit on the pricey side.  Whole Foods eventually will put this on sale and I will stock up then.  You can also save by buying larger quantities online -- I know I will blow through this box ricky-tick.  There are also three other flavors in their Indulgent Tea line - Chocolate Earl Grey, Chocolate Mint and Chocolate Rooibos.  Whole Foods had them all.
Rating:  4.5 dinged only by the high price.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

At the stroke of Midnight. . .

Midnight Pumpkin Patch
9 1/2" x 8 1/2"

BOO!  I'm getting braver using more and bolder layers of color.  Yesterday's class had a Halloween theme and we were working with using light.  In my case, moonlight!

Monday, October 27, 2014

A to Z Challenge - W is for Wintergreen

Wintergreen berries

W is for wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens)

Wintergreen is often used used in topical/external analgesic for the treatment of muscular and rheumatic pain.  You can even use wintergreen oil for transferring images, as I did here.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

A to Z Challenge - T is for Tarragon

T is for Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus)

This perennial herb is used to flavor Mediterranean cooking.  Tarragon is a prime ingredient in Bérnaise Sauce and a favorite French herb mixture, fines herbes.  The fresh leaves are more potent than dried.

Tarragon has been used in various traditional medicines for stimulating the appetite and as a remedy for indigestion and hiccups.  It is a very rich source of C, A and the B-complex vitamins, and is an excellent source of calcium, manganese, iron, magnesium, copper, potassium, and zinc.

Be extraordinary

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Magical Dream Sticks

Dreams contained herein!
A nice way to reference crayons.  Crayolas.   I've never called them "colors"... just as I never have called a Kleenex a "facial tissue."    Though I may just start calling them "Magical Dream Sticks"*

Caran d'Ache Neocolor II Aquarelle Water Soluble Wax Pastels --
Left to Right:  Moss Green, Empire Green, Prussian Blue, Yellow and Ruby Red

*(thank you, Professor SunWolf)

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday Tea Time - Tazo Vanilla Caramel Chai

This week - Tazo Chai Vanilla Caramel  

Cost:   $3.00 on sale at Target
Number of teabags:  20  individually-wrapped
Caffeine:   Yes
Type of tea:   Black
Ingredients:  Black tea, cinnamon, natural flavors, licorice root, ginger, black pepper, cloves
Steeping time:  5 minutes
Add ins:  A splash of Coffee Mate's Natural Bliss.
Fragrance:  strongly cinnamon
Opinion:   Disappointed.  I had high hopes for this, but the faint vanilla and caramel scent and flavor was overpowered.  This tea has a very strong peppery aftertaste.  I couldn't even finish it.   : P
Rating:  1, only because of its tongue-numbing properties

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Snail's pace

"Keep your love of nature, for that is the true way to understand art more and more" - Vincent Van Gogh.

Patiently painting layer upon layer of color trying to grab the iridescence for what abalone is known, without using white.  But at the end of class, I was finished and pretty darn happy with the effect!

Our watercolor class on Monday focused on objects of nature.  I was totally amazed by nature's details, often overlooked, by really seeing and studying and painting.  The edges of a butterfly's wing, the colors of white, the shadows of feathers…  My eyes were opened with appreciation and awe.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Oscar-Worthy Sewing

"It is not about what you wear, but how you live your life" - Oscar de la Renta

Ah, but thanks to you, Oscar de la Renta - Vogue American Designer for Vogue Patterns, we could do so looking beautiful and well-dressed.

On behalf of sewists around the world, thank you for sharing your talents and designs for the sewing community. 

Vogue 2541 Oscar de la Renta

Vogue 1043 Oscar de la Renta

Vogue 2425 Oscar de la Renta

Vogue 2889 Oscar de la Renta

Vogue 1667 Oscar de la Renta

Monday, October 20, 2014

Making your own carbon transfer paper

As a quick project, we made our own carbon transfer paper in watercoloring class!

DIY carbon graphite transfer paper

This is a great way to transfer your drawings in your sketchbook to watercolor paper.  Just photocopy the sketch, even enlarge it, put it on top of the transfer paper graphite side down on top the watercolor paper, outlining your design.   

I also plan to use it to make additional variations of a watercolor I painted.   I really loved the sketch I did -- and rather than try to redraw it again,  I will use a photocopy I made.  Time and sanity-saving!  

One of the advantages to making your own is it is much easier to erase the tracings on your paper, as there isn't a waxy finish you may find on commercial transfer paper.  It is also reusable, foldable and transportable to stick in your supply bag.

All you need is a sheet of vellum (or tracing paper, the vellum seems a bit sturdier), lighter fluid, a cotton ball and a graphite stick.

Using the side of the graphite stick, cover one side of the vellum.  Wet the cotton ball (not dripping) with lighter fluid and rub the paper, which will dissolve the graphite.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Netflix Stars - Nebraska

3.5 stars - A little slow in places but worth sticking with all the way to the end.  It reminded me of "Little Miss Sunshine" as far as a trip with mission and family drama.  I like that it was filmed in black and white - perfect.  Will Forte is adorable and proves he can do drama along with comedy -- though there is one scene with the compressor that had hubby and I both cracking up.  (I'm even  laughing as I'm typing this.)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday Tea Time - Mate Chocolatte'

This week - Guayaki Yerba Mate Chocolatte' 

Cost:   $7.99 at Whole Foods
Number of teabags:  16,  individually-wrapped
Caffeine:   Yes
Type of tea:   Herbal
Ingredients:  Organic:  Yerba mate leaf, cocoa, nutmeg, cinnamon, stevia leaf, clove
Steeping time:  5-10 minutes
Add ins:  A splash of Coffee Mate's Natural Bliss.  Going to try with almond milk next time I go to the store and buy some.
Fragrance:  Cacao and clove.
Opinion:   Another I find I like this more after each mug I drink. Especially when you make it a Mate Chocolatte latte.  Hahaha, so punny me.  Trying to stay healthy and keep my energy immune system up and running at high speed, with 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids and abundant antioxidants, and Yerba's adaptogen-like qualities, which include reducing the effects of occasional stress, this should do the trick in a tasty way.
Rating:  5

Monday, October 13, 2014

Blue Shadow Wire Dog Watercolor

Blue Shadow Wire Dog watercolor
12" x 10"

One of the inspiration photos

44th Wire Piece, 1972
Wire and template for pencil line
47 x 22 x 11 1/4 in.
The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Gift of Lannan Foundation

Inspired by the work of artist Richard Tuttle, we were working on line drawings/paintings in watercolor class.  Our instructor brought in several items with great lines -- a birdcage still-life (which I took photos to try at home) and this free-form metal wire dog.  Two of us were fascinated by this wire sculpture and we had fun posing him/her in the lobby of the Art League.   It looked different from every angle.  And I liked how it cast a blue shadow.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Upcoming Jo-Ann's Columbus Day Simplicity Pattern Sale

Columbus Day Simplicity Pattern Sale - 99 cents

Sun-Day Reflections

"The sun shines down, and its image reflects in a thousand different pots filled with water.  The reflections are many, but they are each reflecting the same sun.  Similarly, when we come to know who we truly are, we will see ourselves in all people."

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Thursday Tea Time - Pumpkin Spice Chai

This week - Tazo Chai Pumpkin Spice
Cost:   $3.49 at Target
Number of teabags:  20,  individually-wrapped
Caffeine:   Yes
Type of tea:   Black
Ingredients:  Black tea, cinnamon, natural flavors, licorice root, ginger, cloves, black pepper, cardamom.
Steeping time:  5 minutes
Add ins:  A splash of Coffee Mate's Natural Bliss
Fragrance:  Cardamom/pumpkin pie spice
Opinion:   I find I like this more after each mug I drink. Or maybe it's because we are getting deeper into the PSL/Pumpkin Spice Latte season.   I drink it in the afternoon when my sweet tooth tries to make its presence known or if I need a boost of caffeine (31-45 mg).  The licorice and black pepper keep it from becoming too much like liquid pumpkin pie.  This will be nice to drink through Thanksgiving.  I will be going back for another box at the rate I'm going!
Rating:  4

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Watercolor Wednesday - Bird of Paradise

"Bird of Paradise"
6 5/8" x 6 5/8"
For an upcoming birthday card/present, I asked a friend what her favorite flower was.  
(Hoping for something easy, but when have I ever taken the easy way out?)  
"Bird of Paradise!"  
"Really?!"….I replied, trailing off.  
But I thought to myself, I'm up for this, why not!  And how lucky for me we were learning different wash techniques with different brushes in class on Monday.  
I could avoid leaves and just focus on the flower itself by washing shades of green!  Win-win here!  
I really like how it turned out, I hope she does, too!

Blood Moon Eclipse

Blood Moon Eclipse - Houston, Texas - 5:35 AM

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Yogi Cinnamon Vanilla Healthy Skin

This week - Yogi Cinnamon Vanilla Healthy Skin

(Not to be confused with similar sounding Yogi Vanilla Spice Perfect Energy, which I reviewed July 19, 2012)

Cost:   $4.84 at Target, on sale at Kroger for $2.99
Number of teabags:  16,  individually-wrapped
Caffeine:   No
Type of tea:   Herbal
Ingredients:   All organic Nettle Leaf, Mullein Leaf and Schisandra Berry – Ayurvedic herbs traditionally used to hydrate and retain moisture in the skin’s tissues, Cinnamon Bark and Cardamom Seed to support circulation, Cocoa Shells and Vanilla Bean add flavorful intrigue.
Steeping time:  5 minutes (suggested 4-6 minutes)
Add ins:  Perfect as is, but even better with a splash of Coffee Mate's Natural Bliss
Fragrance:  Cinnamon-y
Opinion: Tastes great plain and even better with Natural Bliss - almost like apple pie a la mode.  This could be a very nice afternoon or evening go-to tea this fall.  My daughter thought that the cinnamon made it taste similar to chai.    I did notice their slight price creep, however.  And hey, Yogi Tea - only a $1 coupon?  You used to have $2 coupons!
Rating:  4 (dinging really only about the pricing - I would definitely stock up when it goes on sale, with the previous box's coupon)

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Watercolor Wednesday - Frog Dreaming Update

I thought my watercolor frog needed more oomph - more green, more definition - and here he is.  I'm really happy how he turned out!