Matthew Chapter 5, Verses 7 & 8 Watercolor - 5" x 7" |
A friend gave me "The Beauty of Friendship" year of quotes by Dayspring book, and I flipped to March 8 and found today's quote, inspired by Matthew 5:7-8 --
"You are blessed when you care. At the moment of being "carefull," you find yourselves cared for. You're blessed when you get your inside world - your mind and your heart - put right. Then you can see God in the outside world."
I wondered, how would I paint this? Upon contemplation, the first thing that came to mind was balance. What is inside your heart is reflected in your life outside. And the Karma of how what goes around, comes around. We are continuously transforming. I thought a Yin and Yang design with hearts could reflect the verse. Colors? Green and blue for Earth and water of our world, and a surrounding yellow glow representing our Creator. I do realize I'm integrating different religions, Taoism, Buddhism and Christianity, and yes, a wording combination from the both King James and New American Bibles, so be it. Let's just add water and go with the flow.
I used my
QoR paints from their Earth palette set -- Indigo, Sap Green and Naples Yellow. Great vibrant colors and combination, perfect. Working wet-in-wet, it was so much fun to watch those colors dance and come alive on my paper.
(I hope to get and post a better photo tomorrow, I like to take my photographs outside for better lighting and it was raining all day today.)