Someone's frog collection (this was part of two shelves!)

Cigar boxes - all sizes and colors

Bottle caps, sold by the handful!

Bedsprings! Reminded me of Christmas trees...

An eclectic blog of many things! If you are interested in sewing and fiber arts, creative and crafty living, healthy cooking and life in the Lone Star State of Texas, read on and enjoy!
This week - Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Limited Edition Taiwan Green Tea
Cost: $8.20
Number of teabags: 20
Caffeine: Probably a little
Type of tea: Green
Steeping time: 3 minutes
Mix ins: CBTL's Fat Free Vanilla Powder, also tried a little fat-free condensed milk. Both good!
Teabag fragrance: Fruity
Ingredients: Taiwan green tea
Opinion: I had this as an iced tea latte and then just plain iced tea in the store. Not that I was a two-fisted drinker, but the barrista gave me a free iced one after I bought the latte and went back to grab the tin. At home I had it warm, and all three versions were just terrific. It has a fruity-sweet taste, so you don't need to add that much sweetener, if at all. Since it is a Limited Edition, I'm going to get another cannister next time I'm in the store. It is similar to a Jasmine Green Tea, but where that one is more floral, this is more indeterminate "fruit." I had to laugh after I brewed it at home - it looks like a teabag full of spinach! I was also able to reuse the teabag again, brewing it for about 4 1/2 minutes. Not quite as strong as the first run, but still enjoyable a second time.
Rating: 4.25
Cost: $9.99 at Whole Foods Market
Number of teabags: 36 Caffeine: No Type of tea: Herbal Steeping time: 7 minutes Mix ins: Just a little bit of sugar Teabag fragrance: Pineapple Ingredients: Hibiscus (flower), rosehips (fruit), apples (fruit), stevia (leaf) pineapple bits (fruit), natural pineapple and lychee flavors Opinion: I tried this first hot with a little bit of milk. Uh, OK. Then I tried it iced with just a little bit of sugar. Ah ha! There you go. Definitely tropical fruity, a perfect ice tea flavor. Pretty apricot color, too. Pretty good for you also - supposedly the hibiscus flower can help maintain healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels, strengthen the immune system, and combat those cell-damaging free radicals. Rating: 3.75The "Wild Blue Yonder" -- PURPLE with a touch of lavender rose! Everblooming Grandiflora - with a "delectable citrus blossom and rose fragrance."
3 gallon size, $13.99 at Costco. Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T