5 stars! What a hidden gem of a movie! The trailers did not do it justice - at all. It definitely showcases Maya Rudolph's talents way beyond the scope of her work on Saturday Night Live. Treat yourself to this indie and enjoy!
An eclectic blog of many things! If you are interested in sewing and fiber arts, creative and crafty living, healthy cooking and life in the Lone Star State of Texas, read on and enjoy!
Cost: $2.19 on sale at Kroger
Number of teabags: 20
Caffeine: Yes
Type of tea: Black
Steeping time: 4 minutes
Mix ins: Fat free condensed milk
Teabag fragrance: Ginger and cinnamon
Ingredients: Black tea, natural pumpkin flavors, cinnamon, licorice root, clove, ginger, pumpkin flakes
Opinion: It tastes just like pumpkin pie! Especially more so if you use the thicker condensed milk. Regular milk gives it a more spice latte tea feel. Grab an extra box or two of this seasonal treat before it disappears.
Rating: 4