Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Blogging A to Z Challenge - D is for Diamond

Welcome back to the Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2016!  This will be interesting and fun trying to interpret healing crystals and gemstones from Amethyst to Zircon with watercolors and create a neat sketchbook.

D is for Diamond

Symbolizing wisdom, enlightenment, purity and clarity, the diamond is the lucky stone for Leo and has a harmonizing effect on all chakras.   The word "diamond" - adamas - is of Latin origin, means invincible.

Palette Paints - Brown Madder for the raw diamond.  Sigh, just run out right now and get a tube of this.  It is also a favorite of Ann Abgott, I found out later after I picked a cracked cap/banged up tube on clearance for $2 last year at Hobby Lobby.  And Hello, Paynes Gray in the brilliant cut diamond.  With a little Cobalt/Burnt Sienna/Raw Umber to get the lighter grays.

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