Monday, April 04, 2016

Blogging A to Z Challenge - C is for Citrine

Welcome back to the Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2016!  This will be interesting and fun trying to interpret healing crystals and gemstones from Amethyst to Zircon with watercolors and create a neat sketchbook.

C is for Citrine

Citrine, the stone of light, sun and life is associated with Gemini and Virgo.   It has detoxifying properties and strengthens the immune system.  The more intense the color, the stronger the stone's healing properties.

Palette Paints - How do I love thee, Yellow Ochre and Quinacridone Gold?  My latest yellow additions along with Hansa Yellow Medium (Daniel Smith) and Lemon Yellow (Holbein).  So much I dropped them with a little New Gamboge in my created Citrine.  I thought they played nicely together.   Yellow Ochre is a favorite of Alvaro Castagnet and Hansa Yellow is used by Ken Hosmer.


  1. Love your topic - had to scroll back through A and B to see what I had missed :)
    Suzanne from
    Suzannes Tribe

  2. interesting. in wicca, the stone is also listed to aid psychic properties.

    stopping by on my a to z hop.

  3. Citrine is a very pretty stone. I didn't know it was supposed to have healing properties too

  4. As an ex geologist I'm always interested in learning about minerals.

  5. Thank you for your comments. I took your suggestion and will start each post with an update what my challenge is. Good advice! xo


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