Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Free Penzeys Northwoods Seasoning Coupon

The new Harvest 2014 catalog has a free 1/2 cup jar of Northwoods Seasoning coupon - the online ordering code is 22150C.  This is one of my favorites - I like to use it on chicken, but it is versatile enough for beef, pork, and even potatoes.

They always have such good recipes in their catalogs --
I know I'm going to try their Gingerbread Cake Mix, if it looks as good as the photo, this could be a potential cute gift for the holidays, either as a mix or baked and given.    And to keep on hand for a quick fix.
Gingerbread Cake Mix

(I do this with my pizza dough, mix all the dry ingredients and store in a ziploc in my pantry.)

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