Monday, September 22, 2014

Follow the Signs

Two of the very first awards we earned as Junior Girl Scouts were "The Sign of the Arrow" and "The Sign of the Star."

The Sign of the Arrow says "this is the way" on the path of Girl Scouting.
In the requirement section of the second-hand Junior handbook I bought, one of the requirements (#8 "Get together with another troop to meet new girls and do something together") completed noted a "Camp-In at Foley's"   I can only imagine the fun they would have had in Houston's best 9-story downtown department store!

The Sign of the Star says "A star shines in all directions and guides you along the way" on to new and bigger adventures in Girl Scouting.

These awards were established in 1963, replacing the Second Class Award.

1963 was quite the pivotal year in Girl Scouting.  The establishment of four age levels of Girl Scouting -- Brownie, Junior, Cadette and Senior -- with corresponding handbooks, and official dress uniforms (with white gloves!)

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