Sunday, January 22, 2017

30 Paintings in 30 Days & Sunday Funday

"Roll with it" Rerolled bag of kolaches, two watercolor sketches in one. The dangers of painting and sketching at the kitchen table on a Sunday afternoon and the same time fending off the hands and the Q & A "Is this the bag of kolaches?"

I also tried Angela Fehr's idea of "Palette Mud" - using the leftover colors in my palette from a previous painting for the shading/values.

And I put a new Art Graf water-soluble Carbon Intense Black disc ($2.89 from the Hobby Lobby clearance section) through its paces to sketch and practice line/contour drawing a la Charles Reid.  

I thought it was fun (and the kolaches were delicious!)

Update 1-23-17 - The other sketchbook paintings from yesterday...much easier to photograph in the morning sun than indoor lighting.

House of Pies Chocolate Cream pie!

Practicing painting people!
And I enjoyed a delicious Caramel Macchiato!

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