Thursday, October 20, 2016

Thursday Tea Time, Madame

Two more tea hits from Madame Flavour and Australia --

Ginger Masala Chai (looseleaf) and Soothing Mint Lavender Tisane (18 pyramids)

First the chai. . .

One cup of water, one tablespoon (I suggest umping up the from the suggested two teaspoons) in a small saucepan, bring to boil, add milk (I used 2%, might be worth upgrading to whole milk for a creamier mug), two teaspoons of honey.  Adding a 1 cm piece of grated ginger to the water boiling stage would also be worth a try to the Ceylon and Assam leaf teas, cinnamon, cardamom pods, fennel, ginger, clove, red safflowers and Australian mountain pepper leaf.   Wonderful peppery ginger bite and finish.

Rating:  Grabbing more of these next visit!

Soothing Mint Lavender Tisane. . .

Never would have thought, nor have seen this combination.   But it is sensational.  Caffeine-free, too. Soothing to all your senses.

Perfect plain, it needs no other additions.

Nice paper lined packaging!

The fragrance is minty, lavender is subtle.   How good is this?  As soon as I drank my cup, I turned around and made more for my Hydroflask to take to afternoon watercoloring class.
Yup, grabbing this one, too!

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