Tuesday, August 02, 2016


In class yesterday we made a soft cover long stitch bound book.  Mine had two "signatures" - sections of dyed and folded pages.  I liked how it turned out!  The pink-purple cover is cochineal, the blue is indigo.  We remarked in class how nice it felt to hold them, the weight and the softness/organic feel.

Side view with the Japanese Stab Binding

Here's the inside --

Today I dyed extra fabric with Madder root and hibiscus.  Not as vibrant but still a subtle visual effect.  The paper pages were also more diffused and more suitable for showcasing writing or ink sketching.   (I will post those photos later)
Madder gave it the reddish brown color -
and grabbed on to the raw edges
This hibiscus dye bath stayed more purple-blue-pink

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