Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A little birdie told me. . .

to play some more with the Fabriano hot press paper!

I found this Folk Art bird layering three-piece stencil set (mask, silhouette and pattern) at Michael's with an expiring that day 50% off coupon.

I divided the Fabriano into fourths and drew bird in each section.  I wanted to practice my washes on this paper and play with the stencil pattern.  I used a mixture of four blues from my palette.
Cerulean, French Ultramarine, Manganese Blue Hue, Cobalt Blue
All Winsor-Newton
I put frisket on the entire bird here and used the stencil for the background

Used one of my watercolor pencils to outline
Daler Rowney Indigo 127

I frisket'ed along the outside of the bird to stencil inside.

A little outline touch-up with the Daler Rowney Indigo watercolor pencil

Very carefully - no frisket!

I actually flipped upside down and did the wash -
I like the effect!
No frisket either - just patience!

I may keep together or cut apart
I felt I definitely improved my washes and mixing paints.  The stencils were a fun way to add pattern.

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