Thursday, May 19, 2016

Any Time is Tea Time - Chai, ya'll

With all my traveling, my tea pots and posts have gotten behind.  So set the kettle on, drink up and read my latest finds!

Madura Seven Spice Chai

Seven spices from the seven seas.  Absolutely a stunning chai tea.

100g loose leaf tea, you use two teaspoonfuls, which practically explodes in both size and flavor.
I got lost in the tea blogs and tea chat websites trying to find out what the seven spices are and more details.

Fragrance:  Clove, ginger

Opinion:  Six minutes to brew to a reddish-brown color, it has a good heat, with a nice bite drinking and finish from the ginger and cloves.  Rating - 5

Nature's Cuppa Organic Chai Spice Tea

Box of 50 tea bags

Fragrance:  Clove

Ingredients:  Black tea, cinnamon, cardamon, ginger, cloves, black pepper, pure vanilla bean in unbleached paper tea bags.

Opinion:  On its own, this is great, but compared to the Madura Seven Spice, you may want to use two tea bags.  The vanilla bean is a great touch and addition to the usual chai teas.  While not quite as intense as the Madura Seven Spice, it has a very nice finishing taste.  I thought the tea bag/box design and colors had a retro 70's feel.  I will give this a 4.5 and look for it again, along with seeing what other flavors are available.  This company seems to give off a good vibe that I like.

I will definitely be restocking both of these my next trip to Australia.  You know it's a great chai tea when your face begins to heat and sweat.  Lovely image, but you chai tea drinkers know what I'm talking about.


  1. Hi Peggy finding my comments not showing on many blogs. Checking

  2. Hey Monica - I was out of town and left comment moderation on.


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