Sunday, March 06, 2016

Sunday Sketchbook - Wheeee-l!

I have been going to Open Studios each week, and we have been watching Ken Hosmer's DVD series, with the opportunity to learn new techniques, experiment, paint, discuss and have a great time.
This week we began his "More Dynamic Color" and we saw how he set up his color wheel and the colors he uses.  Most of us had most of the colors he used, if not, there was a substitute chart and we could complete a close-enough one.  Of course, any excuse is a good excuse to go paint shopping. . .

I wanted to set up a separate, more limited than my class palette to experiment with his unique combinations.

It was difficult to find a palette in the store, which had wells for 13 with room for  3 smaller ones/areas.  And in a circle so it would make it easier for me to understand and play along with different color exercises.
So I made my own!

I found these storage cubes at Hobby Lobby for $1.99.  Good thing I got two packages, for I thought/assumed each box had its own lid.  No, only two at the top of each stack.  But you know, the stack would also be a cool way to carry a limited palette of paint vertically, too. . .  Yes, very good indeed I bought extra.

10 containers - 2 lids
I just saw storage boxes and assumed they each had lids
Then I dug around the upper shelves in my kitchen for a Dollar Tree Christmas plate, I had bought a few several years ago to take treats to parties and not have to worry about losing my good stuff.  Funny, but every one always returned these along with a compliment for such a pretty and must be a good plate!  The "gold" trim and paint really stayed nice, go figure.
Bonus this plate has a recessed white center for mixing.

I hot glue-gunned (low melt) the boxes and three of the lids on the plate.  
Love my Brother PTouch label maker!
For some reason I put Winsor Green paint in the Winsor Blue (Green) box.  No biggie, I pulled off the boxes to switch (and they removed easily) and I reglued them. 

Looking good here!
I probably need to add more yellow to the Yellow-Orange Mix and Yellow-Green Mix
It was pretty dominated by the red and the green when I was mixing them.

My version of Ken Hosmer's color wheel palette!   He does use pretty colors, doesn't he?  It will be easier for me to visualize and use the paints for the different color exercises instead of spinning my main palette around or trying to make room on it with dabs of the other colors I haven't used before.   I bought the Permanent Magenta at Hobby Lobby and just love it.

I've had eye-opening fun so far just playing around after watching the DVD, putting combinations together I never would have before, just by seeing and working with a (more) limited palette and putting the color wheel to good use.  I will post those exercises and experiments separately.

But in the meantime, I'm really happy with my color wheel plate!  Using and playing with new colors and combinations is a real treat...and calorie free!


  1. someone on-line sells this large palette will try to remember the name. I want to start the free Stratford class on monday. looks like fun. good to see you moving into new ways and ideas. Art is never short of ideas and long in lists of things to buy.

  2. That does sound cool! It is fun to hear and see and learn different ways to do things. It stretches and blows my mind at the same time! ; )


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