Thursday, January 07, 2016

Thursday Tea Time - Up in the air

It all started in the air...Qantas Airlines serves Dilmah tea - one sip and I was hooked.

LAX bound to Sydney
Welcome aboard!
Australian sparkling wine
I really like this airline's beverage offerings
It's always wine o'clock somewhere during a 14 hour flight
and going over the International Date Line

Sydney to LAX
You can see the skyline in the background

I actually found this box on the campus of the University of New South Wales in Sydney, in their local IGA food store.  

Along with this magpie --

Keeping with the up in the air title theme...

Then I went to Woolworth and Coles and found more varieties of their tea.  And what is tea without cookies, too?!

Stopped to take a picture of my basket - in progress
Note the Higher Living brand of tea
The boxes were flying into my basket
As were these!
TimTam cookies
so many different flavors...!
In the stratosphere with my tea (and cookies and chocolate) finds.  
Watch for my upcoming Australian reviews.

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