Thursday, June 04, 2015

This week - Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf Support At Home Black Tea

Cost: $8.99
Number of teabags:  20
Caffeine:  Yes
Type of tea:   Black
Steeping time:  5 minutes
Mix ins:   Just a little bit of honey
Fragrance:   Pleasant.  Slightly woodsy with a little bit of chocolate
Ingredients:  Black tea
Opinion:    Finally!   I was able to find the annual Support Our Troops Tea.  After three years of bupkis in all of the Austin locations, I found this in Phoenix/Peoria, Arizona.  This will make a nice change up to alternate in the mornings with my English and Irish Breakfast teas.  Or if I need a little kick start in the afternoon.  

I know I've been awol from my blog this month, but I've been traveling.  Thank you for all your concern about our well-being, especially in light of the flooding in the Houston area.  We were lucky this time; some of my friends, not so much.  Please continue to keep Texas in your thoughts and prayers.

And stay tuned for upcoming tea reviews from teas I found in Flagstaff at Steep.  And a photo of my Cinnamon Matcha Tea Latte I had there you will have to see to believe!  I am now kicking myself for missing Trailhead Tea in Sedona.  I saw their teabags at Firecreek Coffee, where I had an excellent homemade chai tea, and had no idea there was a store/teahouse, too.  Thank goodness for online shopping.  And a next visit!
Rating:  3.5

Rather robust!

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