Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Watercolor Wednesday - Texture Part 1

Sea salt sprinkled on while paint was still wet made this cool effect!

Playing around with texture in class this week.  I used Golden Fiber Paste.   It kind of took the watercolor paint a little, but I found it looked prettier left white - like a meringue cookie!

This also comes in a jar
Overall, an interesting effect.  Did I run right out and get my own?  No.  I probably will eventually or keep in mind for future projects.*  I'm not sure how quickly this would dry out waiting for me to remember I bought it.   But it was still fun to realize there is more to watercolor than just painting on paper.   I think it is more useful for abstracts, snow, adding dimension to roofs, etc.   

*Yeah, I can so see me getting this later for Christmas paintings and cards...  

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