Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A to Z Blogging Challenge, Galveston Edition - Y for Yoga

A haven indeed!

I love owner Kathleen's Yin Yoga classes so much I will drive 55 miles in morning rush hour traffic to get to the Island for them.   But many other forms (vinyasa, yin & yang, gentle, slow flow, restorative, basics, Nidra, prenatal and more) of yoga are offered at The Yoga Haven - including Laughter Yoga!   Bonus is is located on the same block as the Oasis Juice Bar and Hooked on Acupuncture, and just up the street from Maceo Spice.

2507 Market Street - (409) 770-9995

Location, location, location!  Right?
(I must admit sometimes my mantra is "cannoli, cannoli, cannoli")

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