Thursday, March 05, 2015

Thursday Tea Time - Warm me up!

Cost:  $7 from The Steeping Room in Austin, Texas
Number of tea bags:  2 ounces
Caffeine:  Yes, "High Caffeine" per the package label
Type of tea:   Black
Steeping time:  3 minutes
Mix ins:  Just a touch of honey
Ingredients:  Organic black tea, organic cinnamon, natural flavor
Fragrance:   Fig-Cinnamon jam
Opinion:  The package says "a cozy, organic black tea with cinnamon and fig"  I think fig should be listed ahead of the cinnamon.  It has a very pleasant fig scent and flavor.  Not at all artificial or cloying.  In fact, I keep opening the bag to take another whiff.   Next time I will use more than a teaspoon to make it stronger.  It's a generously-sized bag.  I bet it would also be nice iced, too.  But given today's winter blast, I needed something cozy and warming.  It brewed to a delicious amber color.  So pretty, so comforting.  A perfect Fall/Winter weather brew.
Rating:  4

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