Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thursday Tea Time - C is for chocolate, cinnamon, combo

This week - Rishi Organic Pu-Erh Chocolate Cinnamon Tea

Cost:  $8.99
Number of tea bags:  15
Caffeine:  Yes
Type of tea:  Pu-erh
Steeping time:  7 minutes
Mix ins: Nothing
Ingredients:  Pu-erh tea, roasted cocoa nibs, cinnamon, vanilla bean, peppermint, licorice root
Fragrance:    Cinnamon/spicy with a hint of chocolate
Opinion:  What a cool and yummy combination of ingredients, and what flavor!  The first time I splashed some Natural Bliss in it, and it was...OK.  Then I read the box which said it "tastes divine without the need for milk or sugar"  And the box was right!  The milk hid the myriad of flavors.  It smells and tastes like chocolate and cinnamon, then you get the hit of peppermint and licorice, closing with vanilla.  I'm only dinging it a little because you do have to steep it longer, in fact - I save the previous teabag to put in the mug as I brew and use a new one.  And it is a little pricey.  It does have a good kick and lingering flavor.
Rating:  4

 A little over the top, packaging-wise?

oh yeah, chocolate!

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