Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday Tea Time - Indulgent Tea

This week - Numi Indulgent Tea Chocolate Spice

Cost:   $7.99 at Whole Foods/Sugar Land
Number of teabags:  12,  individually-wrapped
Caffeine:   Yes
Type of tea:   Black
Ingredients:  All organic cacao powder, black tea, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg, star anise.
Steeping time:  8 minutes
Add ins:  A splash of Coffee Mate's Natural Bliss.
Fragrance:  Spicy chocolate, like Mexican hot chocolate!
Opinion:   You know this is going to be a good tea when chocolate is listed first!  And unlike last week's Tazo pepper'd chai, this has a wonderful flavor.  And no black pepper in the ingredients.  This makes for a sweet treat and kept me out of the Halloween candy.  However, it is a bit on the pricey side.  Whole Foods eventually will put this on sale and I will stock up then.  You can also save by buying larger quantities online -- I know I will blow through this box ricky-tick.  There are also three other flavors in their Indulgent Tea line - Chocolate Earl Grey, Chocolate Mint and Chocolate Rooibos.  Whole Foods had them all.
Rating:  4.5 dinged only by the high price.

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