Thursday, September 04, 2014

Thursday Tea Time

This week - Numi Organic Tea Decaf Black Vanilla

Cost:   $6.49
Number of teabags:  16,  individually-wrapped
Caffeine:   No
Type of tea:    Black
Ingredients:   Fair trade certified organic decaf black tea, organic vanilla beans
Steeping time:   5 minutes
Add ins:   Sweet Bliss makes it sweet bliss!
Fragrance:  Vani!!a
Opinion:    This is a true vanilla tea - no artificial or natural flavors, just the real deal vanilla bean and decaffeinated black tea.  I love the extra vanilla kick at the end of the sip.  I originally bought this for my daughter to try.  She liked the Mighty Leaf  Vanilla Bean at a cafe, but the Mighty Leaf was almost $10 for 15 pouches at Whole Foods.  (Wait for a sale!  I think I've picked it up for $5 or $6 in the past.  Target used to carry Mighty Leaf teas, but not any more.)   And Numi teas have a proven track record with me.  I still love their Moroccan Mint the best.
With the Sweet Bliss, it tastes like vanilla pudding in a cup! I even drank what was left out on the coffee table earlier cold - it would be great as an iced tea latte.
Bonus times two it is organic and decaffeinated so you can drink it anytime.  I still rely on my English Breakfast teas for my morning kick start, but this way I won't over-caffeinate during the day.
I saved a few pouches for me to hold over until I can get another box before mailing the rest to my daughter.  That may even be this afternoon!
Rating:  5+

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