Thursday, September 18, 2014

This week - Tazo Chai Pumpkin Spice

Cost:   $3.00 on sale at Super Target
Number of teabags:  20,  individually-wrapped
Caffeine:   Yes
Type of tea:    Black
Ingredients:   Black teas, cinnamon, natural flavors, licorice root, ginger, cloves, black pepper, cardamom
Steeping time:  The box says 5 minutes, but it developed a bitter aftertaste.  The second time I kept at at 3 minutes, much better!
Add ins:   Sweet Bliss makes it seem like pumpkin pie!
Fragrance:  Pumpkin and ginger
Opinion:   One of two new seasonal offerings from Tazo.  (watch for an upcoming review of Tazo Chai Vanilla Caramel next week).  Pumpkin is showing up everywhere - even in Hershey's Kisses! Something told me to give this another chance.  The first cup had a strange, bitter aftertaste, with or without adding milk and sugar.  I liked it better the second time.  You can detect the pumpkin in the first sip and then it definitely has a surprising pepper aftertaste kick.  Interesting Autumn twist on Chai.
Rating:  3.25

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