Friday, June 06, 2014

Rescue Me

Good save!

Once again, my iPod Shuffle got wet.
Fortunately on two counts, my Interval waterproof (hmm) case from X-1 Audio was still in the one year warranty (by 15 days, whew!) and they are sending me a replacement.
And this time I put the Shuffle in rice in a metal container (the stainless steel canister for my rice) for three days.  Hubby had heard that putting it in metal container would help it dry out faster.  Worth a try since my first Shuffle could not be revived.  I could still get a light to come on unlike the first time, so there was a smidgen of hope.
Sure enough, it worked!  (After I thwacked it on the counter to dislodge the bits of rice and powder so the charger would fit in all the way).
Lesson learned to err on the side of caution and take out the iPod after each swim.
Greenie I

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