Monday, June 09, 2014

Netflix Stars - Identity (and time) Thief

1 star.  Disappointing.  Forewarning you should not have almost two hours of your life stolen watching this.  I saw from the trailers it could be funny, albeit in a dumb way.  But still hopeful with the cast they would be able to take it a notch above.  I was surprised at the crude and cringe-y humor.  The only thing to look forward to is seeing where Melissa McCarthy's real-life husband makes an appearance.  If anything, the opening was a real-life reminder to be careful and on-guard with your personal information.


  1. Thanks for the heads up. I really want to love Melissa McCarthy, but she seems to be stuck in a character that just isn't that funny. I hope she branches out, but her new movie looks just the same. Her SNL appearance was so funny!

  2. OMG, she was hysterical on SNL!


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