Friday, June 20, 2014

All this and a bag of chips. . .

Always the optimist!

A stop at Chipolte for their steak salad (love that salad dressing!) and a bag of chips
after grabbing all the large band-aids I could find at Walgreens
FYI of them all, the Band-Aid Flexible Fabric ones worked the best.
No adhesive sticking to the edges of the boo-boo.

If I had to go splat with a rough landing, at least my acupuncturist/herbalist, Clint McCallum, was nearby.   He put sprinkled some Yunnan Baiyao on my scrapes, and it immediately stopped the bleeding and the pain.  
The palm of my hand healed by the next day, and I should be able to go with just a little bandage on my right knee tonight.  The left knee, which took the brunt of the fall is doing much better, had I not put gauze over it yesterday thinking it would be better than a couple of bandaids.  

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