Thursday, April 10, 2014

A to Z Blogging Challenge - I is for Iris

I is for Iris
Iris Germanica (also used as Orris Root, which belongs to the Iridaceae family)

I took this photo outside with the sunlight playing.
I also had fun painting this - I love how the two petals making an L shape
turned out.  I will probably be darkening them, but I wanted a
"before" photo!

Orris root is used as a flavoring in desserts.  It also strengthens your gums and freshens breath.  
It is said that the iris can bestow its powers for love, protection and personal success!


  1. Growing up in a small ranch, my mom had purple Iris's all along the back of the house. Beautiful. I wish they lasted longer.

  2. So glad to find your site. Your paintings and photos are lovely. Iris is beautiful. Scanned down and read your other posts.

    Over from the A to Z.

  3. Stopping by on the 12th day of the #atozchallenge. Having a good time today blog hopping, saying hi and moving on.Love your botanical like floral images. If you have time or interest, I am writing about gardening and related topics this month. Come and visit.

  4. The iris is one of my favorite flowers. I had no idea the root was even good to eat!

  5. Thank you everyone! Sorry so late in posting gratitude. My wifi and Internet access has been constrained this past week. I should be up to speed, haha, on Tuesday. : )


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