Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday Work in Progress - Liberty of London Target Scarf Upcycling Hack

Remember last week's Wednesday Work in Progress?  See the fabric in the upper right corner?  That was the "Poppy Blue" Liberty of London Target scarf, circa 2010.  No, it hasn't been hanging there all this time.  For awhile, yes, while I decided and thought about things.  Life in general and why haven't I made this into the new valance yet?  I loved the colors and the fringe, what was I waiting for...

There was enough fabric to make the valance -- by making it two piece I was able to keep the corner tassels! And so by carefully cutting and leaving the center free, I was able to make a narrower scarf, with a bonus extra row of fringe.

1 comment:

  1. Love the blue trim, I bet the whole thing just brightens up the room.


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