Thursday, February 28, 2013

This week - Magnum Exotics Holiday Tea - Gingerbread Cookie

Cost:  $3.49 at Cost Plus World Market
Number of teabags:  20
Caffeine:  Yes
Type of tea:   Black
Steeping time:  3 minutes
Add ins:  Natural Bliss Sweet Cream, and Vanilla flavors  
Tea fragrance:   Ginger
Ingredients:  Black tea, roasted barley, cinnamon, apple, ginger and artificial flavors
Opinion:  Pretty weak with just one teabag, you really need to use two.  It definitely has a gingerbread taste with a slight touch of fruitiness.  (Nice touch with the apple!)  PThe Vanilla Natural Bliss takes it up another notch and really makes it seem like those Target's Market Pantry Gingerbread Cheesecake cookies.  
Rating:  3

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