Saturday, January 05, 2013

Trader Joe's JUMBO Cinnamon Rolls!

Even the packaging is nice to look at...

 Seriously, YUM!!

Cinnamon intense
Oh yeah!  Trader Joe's Jumbo Cinnamon Rolls.
At first I balked at the 5 for $3.99 price; but college girl was home for break and these looked like a great breakfast treat.   They were!
They are jumbo huge!
And jumbo yummy!
With lots of cinnamon, a non-cloying vanilla frosting...picture perfect!
I only ate half of one, with considerable restraint.  It went down really easy.  Each one weighs in at 350 calories, 14 g fat, 6 saturated, 750 sodium, 51 carbs (yeah, yikes!), 26 g sugar and 4g protein.
These are definitely a winner - grab one the next time you are in Trader Joe's and several friends and family to enjoy them with.

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