Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Sew Purple!

Check out this computerized sewing machine available at Costco right now -- the Brother XR1300 - for only $169.99 (Item #654242).  Not a bad deal at all!  (No, I did not get it - tempted, yes.)   Pretty, too with the light purple accent color.   Look at all the stitches you get - 8 buttonholes, plus a bartacking.  Mirror-imagining ability, too.  Lots of quilting and decorative stitches, pretty cross stitching ones, too -- some I don't even have my Viking Husqvarna 1100.  This would be a great regular machine or a back-up/class/traveling machine.  (Hmmm...)


  1. Its tempting just to have a separate buttonhole - topstitching machine.

  2. Peggy, Your viking might have been great in the last century but there have been great advances in mechanics and technology so it is not surprising that a NEW Brother how ever inexpensive can compete with gadgets and win the race. If you are super in tune with mechanics you might think the higher quality of the viking makes up for the gadgets. I personally love all these easy ways to do things. let me know when you have one that selects the bobbin and thread through an App and unpicks wrong stitches!

  3. I so (heart) my Viking! But this definitely turned my head. We shall see if it is still there tomorrow. . . I'm with Becki re having a dedicated stitch machine. And a back-up. (to my back-up, to my back-up. . .) : D

  4. If this had an upper/lower case alphabet/s, I would so get this in a minute. My Viking is just upper case, sans serif and script. I have alphabet cards on my White embroidery machine, but that's a PITA to drag out and set up just for that.

  5. Hi I just bought the Brother XR1300 for my daughters 9th Birthday . Shall let you know in 2 weeks how she likes it . Hopefully she will love it.
    My Daughters Daddy


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