Sunday, July 01, 2012

We Love Because. . .

We Love because He first loved us – John 4:19

Do you believe in love at first sight?  I do!

On this day 28 years ago, I had my first date with my husband to be.  A blind date, yet!   Love is not blind.  The moment I first set my eyes on him, I knew.  And I could see he was the one for me.

This is a card from a box of stationery I found a few days ago by La Bonne Vie Studio in Hermosa Beach, California.  It is beautiful.   The Bible verse one of my favorites, (and it is my favorite shade of purple, too!)

It was a set of six cards.  Emphasis was.  I am taking one out to keep.  I’m pretty certain the recipient will laugh and not demand it back to recomplete.  Sometimes all that is missing is just love.  And that love completes. 

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