Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday Tea Time

Pretty caramel color!
This week - Himalania Sea Buckthorn Leaf Tea

Cost: $4.49 on sale at Whole Foods (regular price $6.99)
Number of teabags: 20 teabags, 10 per clear sealed plastic envelope inside box
Caffeine:  No
Type of tea:  Herbal
Steeping time:  2 minutes
Add ins:  A little bit of Stevia
Teabag fragrance:  Chocolate-y before steeping.  Like spinach leaves afterwards
Ingredients:  Organic Sea-Buckthorn leaves
Opinion:   The box had a good label, listing the benefits of flavonoids, polyphenols and other antioxidants.  And the weirdness factor, of course, grabbed my attention.   But first impressions (does this smell like chocolate?!) turned quickly bitter, figuratively and literally (does this smell like spinach to you? waving the teabags under my daughter's nose. Yuck agreed.)
Rating:  1, because 1) it's different.  2) it is good for you.  3) perhaps it will grow on you.  Popeye liked spinach.  Maybe there's another sailor cartoon character promoting Sea-Buckthorn?

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