Thursday, January 05, 2012

Thursday Tea Time

Cost: On sale at Kroger for $6.99

Number of teabags: 22

Caffeine: Yes, moderate

Type of tea: Black

Steeping time: Per label 3-4 minutes, I did 5 minutes

Add ins: Just a squeeze of honey

Teabag fragrance: Cinnamon apple

Flavor: Tart cinnamon apple

Ingredients: Organic, Fair Trade Certitified™ Black tea, Cinnamon, Ginger, Cardamom, Cloves, Pomegranate, Apples and natural flavors of Pomegranate, Cinnamon and Ginger

Opinion: Another change-it-up tea. I like the twist and tang of the pomegranate, and the subtlety of the cardamon, cloves and ginger, playing quietly in the background. Love the tin design, too!

Rating: 4 - Find it before it's gone!

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