Saturday, November 05, 2011

Chantal Finds! Get thee over there tomorrow, Houston peeps!

First, I found and bought four of these little guys for $5 each. The 2 cup size. They also had two more larger sizes for $10 and $15. I plan to use these to bake my gingerbread in and to give as gifts...and use as a holiday decoration!

If you donated four canned goods to the Houston Food Bank at the Chantal Warehouse entrance, they gave you a 20% off coupon. Which I used on this $10 tea and teapot set, so I paid $8 for tea and a teapot and an infuser! I found this in the back warehouse section, on the shelves -- not in the front of the store. Bloomingdale's is currently selling this set for $50!

Shoot, I'd pay $8 for the tin alone! I love the embossed flowers and the cool yoga girl on the label! Wow! I just checked -- This tea alone is worth $19.50 on the Kusmi website!

The outlet is open tomorrow from 12-5 PM. And also for the next two weekends. Click here for directions and times.

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