Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Netflix Stars - Morning Glory

3.5 stars. Great ensemble cast, all playing well off of each other -- Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford, Diane Keaton, Jeff Goldblum, Patrick Wilson, Ty Burrell. . . A little draggy sometimes, but I really enjoyed the wrap-up ending. I also thought there was something wrong with the DVD player in the beginning, to the point of distraction trying to follow the conversation. Just be forewarned.


  1. I enjoyed this movie, too, Peggy. My copy didn't have any glitches in it, maybe your DVD had some issues. Bob wondered how much they had to pay Harrison Ford to frown throughout the entire movie! Definitely worth watching.

  2. Hi Peggy! Watched this recently too... gave it a "B"... wishing it was a bit more "quirky"... I am a HUGE Diane Keaton fan... so it was a GIVEN to see as soon as it came out on DVD! I was surprised at how many of the "supporting cast" I recognized from TV shows...

    Might I recommend GET LOW with Robert Duvall and Sissy Spacek? Saw that one recently too... gave it a STRONG "A"... FABULOUS MOVIE!

    Lala :o)


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