Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Free Summer Grilling Coupons from Penzeys!

The newest Penzeys catalog - Grilling 2010 - has a free 1/4 cup coupon for your choice of three grilling seasonings -- BBQ 3000, Black & Red Spice and Northwoods Seasoning. . .

Along with their great recipes for these spices, such as Northwoods Grilled Asparagus, Black & Red Chicken and BBQ 3000 Veggie Skewers. (And Whoopie Pie Cookies - no, you don't use the grilling spices for those, but the recipe is also in the catalog on page 51. They look cute and tasty!)

If you aren't on their mailing list, sign up! Not only does their catalog have a wide variety of spices, seasonings and extracts -- which are not only affordable but also educational to read about -- it features yummy, real-life recipes which easily rival and surpass those found in cooking magazines, and for free! Call 800/741-7787 or visit their website,

Can't wait for the mail to get a peek at the recipes? You can download their catalog now, too!

Online and phone coupon codes are: BBQ3000 20235C...Black & Red 10537C...Northwoods Seasoning 22134C

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