Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cooking Light - Kalamata Olive Bread with Oregano

...And I added a bit of rosemary, several shakes of onion powder and a dash of garlic. I did not have the fresh herbs nor onion, so went with dried instead.

Kalamata Olive Bread with Oregano is from the January/February 2009 issue of Cooking Light. It received mixed reviews online.

In addition to subbing some of the ingredients, I baked the bread in two 3" x 5" loaf pans for 33 minutes - I started checking at 30 minutes and that extra three sealed the deal. I still included the tablespoon of olive oil which was supposed to be used for saute'ing the onion. I figured it needed the moisture and the bit of fat, since the recipe called for only 2 tablespoons of butter.

Our result -- 3 stars...not bad! I will add it to the notebook recipe binder and make it again. It is a denser bread. Fresh out of the pan warm, it reminded me of a dumpling texture. I almost think it would make a great biscuit or muffin, too. I may try that version next time. My original intent was to use this as a sandwich bread, but it's a bit too crumbly. But I think it would be absolutely yummy with soup, either in the mini loaf pan or muffin pan.


  1. Looks delicious! and what might you use as a binder when you make it again?

  2. LOL! Notebook recipe binder! I'll fix the post tomorrow. I'm not that scientific a cook! : )


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