Thursday, March 04, 2010

Thursday Tea Time

Cost: $2 on sale at Kroger, regular price $2.59
How could this not hop into my cart? The box description reads "Natural vanilla adds rich and creamy flavor notes for a luscious dessert-like drink" Huzzah!

Number of teabags: 18
Caffeine: No
Type of tea: Black
Steeping time: 5 minutes
Double-Dipping potential: Yes, 6 minutes
Mix ins: Milk and sugar, milk and honey. Both combos work and taste great!
Teabag fragrance: Very pleasant - cardamon and ginger
Ingredients: Naturally decaffeinated black tea, vanilla flavor, ginger root, cinnamon, allspice, clove, nutmeg, cinnamon flavor, cardamon oil, clove oil
Taste: Smooth, creamy, soothing. The fragrance is heavenly. You taste more of the cardamon and vanilla and a touch of cinnamon when the tea is brewed. It's not peppery at all like other chai teas.
Opinion: DELICIOUS! This is definitely my "Tea of the Week". Each night I've been preparing a mug of this after dinner to keep me away from dessert. This is better and healthier substitute! Bonus it is decaf, too.
Rating: 4.5 teabags

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