Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Threadbared - the book

Clicky-clicky. Snort! Click, tap. Choking back laugh, shoulders shaking. Ding, buzz, click-click. Guffaw, LOL.
This book held its own against an irritating Junior League type mom on her iPhone while in my daughter's orthodontist waiting room. I made the almost fatal error of beginning with the Crafts chapter and had to quickly flip over to the 40's and 50's decades. Which were just as funny. Taken from their now-archived website, Threadbared and with additional new material, Kimberly Wrenn and Mary Watkins will leave you in stitches. Even the book page edges are worn and discolored to look like the vintage books, patterns and instructions.

Threadbared - Decades of Don'ts from the Sewing and Crafting World ISBN 0-307-34207-7 Library Call No. 746.0207 W335

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