Sunday, January 10, 2010

Not only do we all get along here...but we're already prewired for fun!

"...adventuresome....push the envelope....rebellious....a sense of humor"-- descriptions of creative people mentioned in today's CBS SundayMorning report, "The Wellspring of American Creativity"

And our brains are wired differently. According to Dr. Nancy Andreasen. "...what I have found so far is that, yes, people who are highly creative do have different patterns of activity in their brain, a much more highly developed capacity to see relationships, to make associations."

Score one for us creative wackies.


  1. Is that the hello kitty machine? Wish I had caught the story! Being a creative person in an uncreative profession makes me stick out like a sore thumb.

  2. Hi Peggy!!! My mother always said I was her "creative child" b/c I was left handed (which I think causes "us" lefties to think differently anyway...

    I remember watching SUNDAY MORNING years ago... didn't CHarles Curalt use to host it???

    See you are having a heatwave... 50* for ya'll... we're 4casted for 40* on Thursday!

    Lala :o)


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